Con Sidea Services


A new digital network for Acquedotto Pugliese

Segmento 1 - Dettaglio case


Ensuring the quality of the digital renewal process

Aree di intervento


  • business analysis

  • marketing automation

  • quality assurance

  • For over a hundred years, Acquedotto Pugliese has been bringing water to the houses of the Apulians. The company, controlled by the Apulia Region, operates over 20,000 kilometres of the water network to supply over four million people. It is now striving for modernisation and enhancement.

    Acquedotto Pugliese modernisation also concerns its digital network, with the creation of a new portal. As quality assurance managers, we have worked to ensure the technical and operational quality of the entire process.

    With our technical, management and strategic planning skills, we have coordinated activities, verified the achievement of objectives, measured performance and tested systems. The goal is total quality, to offer users a modern, efficient and engaging experience.

    For Acquedotto Pugliese, we also dealt with system integration within the CRM project. With our work, we have connected the customer experience department to the sales one, improving communication, collaboration and information sharing.