Segmento 1 - Dettaglio news

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The end of ownership, the rise of usership: Sidea Group in partnership con Zuora

20 October 2022

The end of ownership, the rise of usership: Sidea Group partners with Zuora

The last quarter of the year opens with a new challenge for Sidea: Zuora, another technology asset in our solutions panel.

Tien Tzuo, founder and CEO of Zuora, in London tells us about the future of the subscription economy: from goods to service, to create a stable relationship between company and customer, through service and range customisation. Roland Berger, the largest strategic consulting company of European origins, emphasises the importance of the new business model:

“The product economy is shifting to the service economy, which is increasingly characterised by long-term business models aimed at creating lasting relationships between customers and companies.”

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